The Golden Age of Quant
ABSTRACT: Throughout the past 45 years, the crux of quantitative portfolio management has evolved through advances in three spheres: (1) domain expertise (market savvy), (2) ...
PanAgora’s experts are committed to providing innovative research through theory and practice. We invite current and prospective clients, as well as consultants, to benefit from the fruits of our theory and practice through our quantitative investing research.
ABSTRACT: Throughout the past 45 years, the crux of quantitative portfolio management has evolved through advances in three spheres: (1) domain expertise (market savvy), (2) ...
Kun Yang, Edward Qian and Bryan Belton’s paper, “Protecting the Downside of Trend When It Is Not Your Friend,” was published ...
With the recent decade’s acceptance of smart (alternative) beta, the CAPM constraint is dissipating: the focus is turning to transparent methods ...
The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation posted PanAgora’s...
Many investors that invest in minimum volatility strategies are inadvertently allowing unnecessary volatility in their minimum volatility allocations by ignoring the underlying ...
The low-volatility anomaly refers to the phenomenon in which low-volatility stocks outperform high-volatility stocks. This anomaly clearly contradicts the classical capital asset ...
In this article we focus on asset weighting and show that, holding all else equal, risk balancing yields the most efficient factor-exposure ...
In this article, we first define the participation ratios of a strategy in both up and down markets, respectively, and then introduce ...
In this article we examine the wealth accumulation that Risk Parity offers when applied to equity portfolios.